viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012


It's important to potect these endagerend cultures because it is the essential part of a way of thinking and see the world, an example of this idea it's the definition ofered by Rober Kohls (1999:23) who defines cultures as "An interated system of learned behavior that are characteristic of ana given culture. Refers to the total way of life of particulars groups of people. its includes everything that a group of people thinks, says and does
-- its systems of attitudes and feelings. Culture it´s learn and transmited from eneration to generation". baseed on this, when changing habits, words, rituals, patterns of conduct, we are loosing the legacy of our ancesters. we should care of cultural diversity, it shows us thousands ways of underestand the world.

Globalization propose make the world one unified village, it migth work "As globalization sweeps around the world, it is perhaps natural that small communities come out of their isolation and seek interaction with the wider world"(The death of language?, Toms Colls) this in an advantage because everybody would be in the vanguard of technology, but another concecuence of globalization, a less thinked one is that cultural diversity will disappear, can you imagine a world with the same point of view or the same way of thinking?, a monotonous world would't be instersting, this it's supported by the idea "if you begin to look at the idea that this cultures could create different realites, you will be able to underestend some of their extraordinary discoveries".(Wade Davis: Dreams of endangered cultures).

 As conclusion, cultural diversity its a way to show that the world doesn't have one face, and dependindg of the point of view will result a special way to live in it.