miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

Today, I’m going to talk about, non-verbal communication. As sure as you should know, there are different types of communication; the non-verbal communication consists on what can be expressed without saying any word. It shouldn´t be misunderstood with the sign language used for voiceless people. This specific type of communications refers to the signs we send to the other people, about our feelings, our mood, how much emotion we have in the moment, and others facts that help to make stronger, the comprehension of the message we send in the communication process.

An official definition of non-verbal communication is: “Nonverbal communication, or body language, is a vital form of communication—a natural, unconscious language that broadcasts our true feelings and intentions in any given moment, and clues us in to the feelings and intentions of those around us.” - Segal. J, Smith. M, and Jaffe. J. (2012, January) retrieved from: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/eq6_nonverbal_communication.htm

So far, experts on the psychologist field, has several consideration about if non-verbal communication it’s directly linked with the emotions felt in the instant. Some of them, agree with this idea, others doesn’t in absolute, but others think it may influence. What can´t be forget, it’s that we´re unique, in ourselves nature, this mean you’ll never going to find two people, who exactly look the same, think the same, and feel the same, approaching this, two people would never feel the same, and express it in the same way. In my point of view, this thesis, would never apply with all the people.

Furthermore, non-verbal communication, it’s strongly linked with the culture. Is well known, for experience that some signs and expressions have meanings, for example: thumbs up, in a large portion of the world means approbation. Having the index and middle finger up, and others down, it’s a peace sign in almost all countries. This two are examples of body language of non-verbal communication.
The thing it’s that non-verbal communication consists some levels, each one of them its particular in type, they are: facial expression, posture and body movements, eye contact, and touch, mainly.

All this information conduce to consider how really important is the non-verbal communication, and how we use it to send a message, that may have a link with you emotions in that particular instant. A few examples of this can be found in day to day life:

  •       When a teacher is going to speak in front of a class, he/she might look quiet, confident, and speak fluently. This signs push the students to even look at the teacher. But if the teacher instead of it,  looks stressed, not sure about what its being said, and not said it fluently, this are signs of a person who’s uncomfortable with the environment, and this emotion affects the communication process.

  • -       You believed the entire semester that on vacations, you were going to a foreign country, but your father said to you that instead of going far away, you’re going to stay at home. You didn’t say something, but you keep your face down, and low your tone of voice. This would take your father to think, that you get sad, because you really wanted to go on vacations.

  • -       Another example could be a situation where two people are arguing about something, as they aren’t agree, they show a serious face between them, the maybe one of them hits the table with his/her hand to show that now he/she is angry, another possibility it’s to increase the tone of voice.

In conclusion, I think non-verbal communication its as important as the verbal, because it’s a really important support for the conviction of the message, what it’s influence by external facts, as the situation, or internals, as the torrent of emotions that an individual shows.

lunes, 16 de abril de 2012

Since we´re babies, even before we started to walk, our sexual orientation began.
In baby’s matters, if you´re male, you learn from your parents that it’s good to play soccer, with hot wheels, with toy swords and guns, you were used to have shorter hair than girls, and no to wear skirts or pinks colors, you were raised like a boy.

Girls are thought to play the tea hour, with Barbie’s, to read fairy tales, etc.
The next thing that would happen when you grow up, it’s that you, either if you’re male or female, start to feel attracted for the opposite gender.
The fact is that, some people when it’s growing up realized that they are not feeling this sexual attraction, they prefer their same gender. Biologist and psychologist are tented to identify the causes of this sexual preference.

-       Biology: gens, are specific for each person, although the basics amino acids are the same for all, the order of them is what is different. The gens program everything about you.

-       Psychologist: despite the genetic condition of each person, it is being affected by a social way, in baby time, we’re able to learn what’s good for our health (kinds of food), about our behavior (what’s considered good or not), based on this knowledge’s we develop, likes, dislikes and manners.

From this point of view, it’s deduced that sexual preference have an epigenetic influence, this mean that your sexual orientation come from social induction, now the question remains: why it is bad seen a person who has likes for his or her own gender, when the most probably reason for this is that society induce it?
After this, we should ask ourselves, what is considered “normal”? What’s the relation between “normal” things with expected things?

The expectation that people have, is that a person feel attracted to another one from the opposite gender, but when it doesn´t happen people start to judge,  critic and exclude what it’s different to them. The work to analyze or to understand it’s useless.

This misunderstanding have created resilience to gay community, they’re often censured, excluded, exhibit, even phobic.
What it’s not taking in count it’s that despite their sexual orientation it’s different from expected, they have not quit from being people!, and as a part of a “free” society, they, we, and everybody else have the rights to feel comfortable with his or her preferences, until this actions affect in negative way another person.

They are not able to get married, to adopt a homeless child, to reclaim the partnership taxes. The political constitution doesn’t have them in count.
In conclusion, my opinion it’s that we should afford the situation as it would affect to everyone, cause you wouldn’t like that somebody tell you that what you’re being attracted not have sense of being. To respect, listen, see and thing it before to do it, they’re not doing bad things, they are just using their rights in a different way.

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

what kinds of problems could arise from cultural differences when marrying someone from different culture?

I haven´t been married, but based in the movie, i think a situation like of this kind is particular i every situation. when you married someone you're suposed to love him/her, and should be able to solve the "problems" with maturity, pacience, talking with your mate, as we saw in the movie. probably the real problems would come when a important desition has to be taken like the name of a kid, the religion he/she will believe in, the baptisim, and topics related to that. 
refering to manners and habits related to the culture, both of them must have respect and consideration about the other, may be in the process of living together both yield in some discussions or treats of behavior. in conclusion, for me,  a marriage between person of two different cultures could be succsesfull if both of the members are capable of respect, underestand, acept, and dialogue.

another thing to note it's the priorities,  human rigths, must not be less important than other things, there are cultures where physicall deformation or integrity its violated.  moral and ethics issues would be decisive  at time of marriage.

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012


It's important to potect these endagerend cultures because it is the essential part of a way of thinking and see the world, an example of this idea it's the definition ofered by Rober Kohls (1999:23) who defines cultures as "An interated system of learned behavior that are characteristic of ana given culture. Refers to the total way of life of particulars groups of people. its includes everything that a group of people thinks, says and does
-- its systems of attitudes and feelings. Culture it´s learn and transmited from eneration to generation". baseed on this, when changing habits, words, rituals, patterns of conduct, we are loosing the legacy of our ancesters. we should care of cultural diversity, it shows us thousands ways of underestand the world.

Globalization propose make the world one unified village, it migth work "As globalization sweeps around the world, it is perhaps natural that small communities come out of their isolation and seek interaction with the wider world"(The death of language?, Toms Colls) this in an advantage because everybody would be in the vanguard of technology, but another concecuence of globalization, a less thinked one is that cultural diversity will disappear, can you imagine a world with the same point of view or the same way of thinking?, a monotonous world would't be instersting, this it's supported by the idea "if you begin to look at the idea that this cultures could create different realites, you will be able to underestend some of their extraordinary discoveries".(Wade Davis: Dreams of endangered cultures).

 As conclusion, cultural diversity its a way to show that the world doesn't have one face, and dependindg of the point of view will result a special way to live in it.

lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Hey, What's up?

My name is Gabriel Florez, you may know that i study in Universidad del norte, mechanic engineering, i´m 17.

I´m taking this english course because if i don't i wont graduate, but i like english, to underestand the movies without reading the subtitles. know english really works when you´re trying to get hired, and travel around the world, so i think it's a benifit for my life.

I like physics, and how it control the universe from it's smallest particle to the biggest.