lunes, 16 de abril de 2012

Since we´re babies, even before we started to walk, our sexual orientation began.
In baby’s matters, if you´re male, you learn from your parents that it’s good to play soccer, with hot wheels, with toy swords and guns, you were used to have shorter hair than girls, and no to wear skirts or pinks colors, you were raised like a boy.

Girls are thought to play the tea hour, with Barbie’s, to read fairy tales, etc.
The next thing that would happen when you grow up, it’s that you, either if you’re male or female, start to feel attracted for the opposite gender.
The fact is that, some people when it’s growing up realized that they are not feeling this sexual attraction, they prefer their same gender. Biologist and psychologist are tented to identify the causes of this sexual preference.

-       Biology: gens, are specific for each person, although the basics amino acids are the same for all, the order of them is what is different. The gens program everything about you.

-       Psychologist: despite the genetic condition of each person, it is being affected by a social way, in baby time, we’re able to learn what’s good for our health (kinds of food), about our behavior (what’s considered good or not), based on this knowledge’s we develop, likes, dislikes and manners.

From this point of view, it’s deduced that sexual preference have an epigenetic influence, this mean that your sexual orientation come from social induction, now the question remains: why it is bad seen a person who has likes for his or her own gender, when the most probably reason for this is that society induce it?
After this, we should ask ourselves, what is considered “normal”? What’s the relation between “normal” things with expected things?

The expectation that people have, is that a person feel attracted to another one from the opposite gender, but when it doesn´t happen people start to judge,  critic and exclude what it’s different to them. The work to analyze or to understand it’s useless.

This misunderstanding have created resilience to gay community, they’re often censured, excluded, exhibit, even phobic.
What it’s not taking in count it’s that despite their sexual orientation it’s different from expected, they have not quit from being people!, and as a part of a “free” society, they, we, and everybody else have the rights to feel comfortable with his or her preferences, until this actions affect in negative way another person.

They are not able to get married, to adopt a homeless child, to reclaim the partnership taxes. The political constitution doesn’t have them in count.
In conclusion, my opinion it’s that we should afford the situation as it would affect to everyone, cause you wouldn’t like that somebody tell you that what you’re being attracted not have sense of being. To respect, listen, see and thing it before to do it, they’re not doing bad things, they are just using their rights in a different way.

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